Part – 2 Unclaimed Dividend

Details of dividend transferred to IEPF:

Dividends remaining unclaimed/unpaid for a period of seven years shall be transferred to the Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF). The details of dividend paid by the Company and the respective due dates for transfer of the unclaimed/unencashed dividend to the IEPF Authority are as below:

WP Table Builder

For details of unpaid/unclaimed dividend as at 31st March 2024, click here

Claiming shares/dividend from the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company is required to transfer shares in respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for seven consecutive years or more to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority. Accordingly, the Company in compliance with the said provision has transferred shares after issuing the requisite notice to the shareholders concerned and on publication of a notice in this regard in leading dailies.

Any person, whose unclaimed/unpaid dividend amount or shares has been transferred to IEPF Authority may claim their refunds from the IEPF Authority and no claim shall lie against the Company in respect thereof. The voting rights in respect of shares transferred to IEPF shall remain frozen until it is rightfully claimed from the IEPF Authority and further dividend, if any declared on the shares transferred to IEPF Authority would also be credited directly to the IEPF Authority.

In respect of the shares and dividends transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority, claimants are entitled to claim these shares and dividends from the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority by making an application in form IEPF-5 electronically available on website along with the requisite documents stipulated in the help-kit of form IEPF-5 which can be accessed through Kindly read the instructions given in the help-kit carefully before filling the e-form.

On successfully filing the e-form IEPF-5, an acknowledgement will be generated indicating the Service Request Number (SRN). The said SRN shall be used for future tracking of the form. After successfully filing the form, kindly submit the hard copy of the below mentioned documents to the Nodal Officer of the Company and upload the postal receipt/ acknowledgment of submission of the documents in the portal. The e-form IEPF-5 and the acknowledgement issued shall be downloaded and printed.

Further the self-attested copy of the e-form IEPF – 5 and the acknowledgement printed along with all the documents submitted to the IEPF Authority through e-Form IEPF-5 including the original share certificate, Indemnity Bond (in original executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value, as prescribed under the applicable Stamp Act, according to the state in which it is executed, in the format prescribed by the IEPF Authority), Original Cancelled Cheque leaf etc. shall be sent to the Nodal Officer of the Company at its registered office, the details in respect of whom are provided below, in an envelope marked “Claim for refund from IEPF Authority” for verification of the claim.

The formats for Indemnity Bond are available in the help-kit of E-Form IEPF-5 which can be accessed through the link provided above.

Nodal Officer for IEPF
Ms. Rekha Surendhiran, Company Secretary
Carborundum Universal Limited,
‘Dare House’, No.234,
N.S.C. Bose Road, Parrys,
Chennai – 600001
Phone: +91 44 3000 6141

The Company shall within 30 days from the date of receipt of claim shall file an e-verification report to the IEPF Authority along with the scanned copy of all the documents submitted by the claimant duly certified by the Nodal officer of the Company. After verification of the entitlement of the claimant in respect of shares and/or dividend, the IEPF Authority will refund the shares and/or dividend to the claimant.

In case of any clarifications / queries pertaining to E-Form IEPF-5, the shareholders / claimants are requested to contact the Investor Relationship Officer of the Company or M/s. KFin Technologies Limited (Registrars & Share Transfer Agents). The contact details are available in “Contact Us” section of the website of the Company.

Important Points:

– Demat account number is mandatory to fill for the applicant claiming shares and corresponding with Client Master List enclosed with e-Form IEPF-5, failing which the E-Form IEPF-5 is liable to be rejected.

– Claimants should enter the correct Aadhar number in e-Form IEPF-5, failing which the form is liable to be rejected.

– The Bank details should be correctly filled and corresponding with cancelled cheque enclosed with e-Form IEPF-5, failing which the form is liable to be rejected.

– Refund of shares will be done by IEPF Authority only in electronic mode i.e. to the demat account furnished by the claimant.