1 | Details of Company’s Business |
2 | Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Directors | |
3 | Composition of Committees of the Board of Directors | |
4 | Code of conduct of Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel | |
5 | Whistle Blower policy | |
6 | Policy on Material Subsidiaries | |
7 | Policy on Related Party Transactions | |
8 | Material Subsidiary Policy | |
9 | Familiarisation Programme | |
10 | Contact Details of Companies Investor Grievance Redressal Officer |
Address for CorrespondenceCompliance Officer & Nodal Officer for IEPFMs .Rekha Surendhiran
11 | Contact Information of the Designated Officials of the listed Entity who are Responsible for Assisting and Handling Investor Grievances | |
12 | Financial Information |
13 | Shareholding pattern | |
14 | Details of Agreements Entered into with the Media Companies and/or their Associates, etc; | NIL |
15 | Investors Meet |
16 | New name and the old name of the listed entity for a continuous period of one year, from the date of the last name change | NIL |
17 | Statutory Advertisements | |
18 | Credit Ratings | |
19 | Financials of Subsidiaries | |
20 | Secretarial compliance report | |
21 | Policy for determination of materiality of events or information | |
22 | Contact details of key managerial personnel who are authorised for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information | |
23 | Disclosure of information disclosed to stock exchanges | |
24 | Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s) | NIL |
25 | Dividend Distribution Policy | |
26 | Annual Return |